GSO Test

GSO Test

Our Curriculum

 Our curriculum intent is framed within three strands stemming from Article 3. They are:

1. The child's self-development (the 'I').

2. The child interacting with others, both children and staff (the 'we').

3. The child in their environment: at school, local and global level (the 'our').

At Middleton, we intend our curriculum to be first and foremost in line with all national guidelines, curriculums and expectations - whilst seeking to create links between subject areas in the context of children's concepts of their rights, their responsibilities and the local, national and global environment in which they are growing up. Our school is passionate about providing a good quality of education for all children. We aim to develop abilities through teaching of knowledge, skills and application in the core subjects of English, Maths and Science. Alongside these, we aim to provide children with a curriculum that helps them understand and respect cultures and diversity through the teaching of History, Geography, Modern Foreign Languages and Religious Education, but at the same time progresses children's personalities and talents through aspects of the curriculum that shape identity, creativity and expression such as PSHE, Art and Design, DT, Music and Drama. These principles are adopted to help us ensure that we provide a broad and balanced curriculum.

We celebrate and embrace diversity at our multicultural school and so wherever possible we tailor our curriculum to make it reflective of our school community and local context. We are an inclusive school and ensure that our curriculum fully reflects that in meeting the needs of all children, regardless of their backgrounds, needs or abilities. We aim to promote children's independence and ability to take age appropriate ownership of their learning. In addition, we provide opportunities for deeper learning and for all children to be appropriately challenged

We want to create lifelong learners and so have embarked upon a journey of adapting our curriculum to generate interest, enthusiasm, curiosity and a thirst for learning. We aim to give learning a meaningful context, including real-life, practical and outdoor learning experiences wherever possible. Our lessons are devised to develop links between subject areas to optimise connections in learning as well as developing the skills, knowledge and understanding to prepare for children's next steps in education and their longer term futures. 

Our curriculum wheel helps to model how we intend this to look. You will see the core skills of reading, writing, oracy and numeracy at the middle of our wheel. The teaching and learning of these areas is at the centre of what we do, but is also applied across all other curriculum subjects. These then fan out into the curriculum subjects. Each of these is joined with a 'golden thread' which represents the strong links we forge between subjects and the connections the children will build in their learning. Our Rights Respecting Schools ethos and school values, incorporating PSHE and Relationships education, encompass all aspects of the curriculum.

 To continue reading about the Implementation and Impact of the Middleton curriculum, please click on the links below:

For each of our National Curriculum year groups (Y1-Y6), the following yearly overviews summarise our curriculum coverage;
  • Year 1
  • Year 2
  • Year 3
  • Year 4
  • Year 5
  • Year 6


    Our curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact for each individual curriculum subject area can be found by clicking on the relevant page in the right-hand menu.