GSO Test

GSO Test


School dinners & packed lunches

School dinners



School dinners are cooked each day in our kitchen, through our contract with Eat Culture, Nottingham City Catering Service .  Meals are free to all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.  The cost of a meal for children in Key Stage 2 is currently £2.50 a day. Payment for school dinners should be made online through Arbor.

Many Key Stage 2 children are still entitled to a free school meal if parents/carers are eligible for certain benefits. Information on eligibility can be found on the link below.  Even if your child is in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 and therefore entitled to a free school meal, it is still important that you apply for Free School Meal status. This means your child would then be eligible for additional Pupil Premium funding to enhance the support they receive in school:

The menus (see below) are designed in line with Government guidelines which are developed specifically to provide a healthy, nutritious meal suitable for young children. There are several options available each day, always including vegetarian choices. Halal dishes are served on some days. If your child has any food allergies or specific dietary requirements, these can usually be catered for but please let us know in advance so you can meet the team to discuss this (click on the link below for further information)

Further information:

Packed lunches



For those children who prefer to bring their own packed lunch, we appreciate that it is for parents/carers to decide what to include in this. However, we would expect that the lunch provides a healthy, balanced midday meal in keeping with our Healthy Schools status.  One specific request is that to ensure the safety of several children in school who have severe nut allergies, nuts or nut-based products should not be included in packed lunches.

We have produced the following information leaflet on packed lunches and healthy eating in general which we hope you find of use: