Volunteers in school
We welcome parents, carers and other members of the school community to support children's learning in school. This is particularly useful for us in listening to children read and helping them with their reading development, as this is such a crucial part of their education. Volunteers can help in many other ways too so, if you have some spare time and are thinking about helping out, please speak to your child's class teacher or the School Office.
Regular helpers may be asked to undergo a DBS check, depending on the type of activity you are involved with. These are undertaken through the office. Volunteers must sign in when they arrive and leave, and visitor stickers should be worn at all times whilst in school.
We also benefit from one-off visits from adults who have a particular skill, interest or vocation, particularly when it links it with an area of learning that the children are engaged in. Again, if you think you can help in this way, please let us know.